Lit From Within

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Design

Lit From Within

Art Life Mind

Intentional Art for an Awakening World

Stephanie – For me artmaking can sometimes mean integration of my light and my dark. This is how I practice transmuting what I perceive to be duality. I meet it all in the studio and on the pages of my books – creating space for it and finding ways to embody it. Breathing life into what I have no words for is my way through. The words that showed up for this were:

“My light shines brightly. She encompasses the whole of who I Am – the light and the dark. “

Tim – This was our first collaboration.  For me, mandala making is a meditation that helps centers me in the moment, and a way to just enjoy creative free-flowing process.  I loved how Stephanie’s character seemed to personify this when we merged these images.  To me, this was the start of Art Life Mind.