Art Life Mind

Art Life Mind

Stephanie – Working in my altered book I began this image when I was feeling very restricted and tied down. However, there is something about the simplicity of paint and water and present moment awareness that will transmute things for me. And over the course of...


Stephanie – When things become rough and uncomfortable in life I turn to my art. Facing what is present instead of trying to hold it back or pretend it doesn’t exist feels like alchemy to me. When I meet difficulties head on in the studio things have a way of...
Lit From Within

Lit From Within

Stephanie – For me artmaking can sometimes mean integration of my light and my dark. This is how I practice transmuting what I perceive to be duality. I meet it all in the studio and on the pages of my books – creating space for it and finding ways to...
We Are More

We Are More

Stephanie – This image was created in April of 2020 the morning after seeing a UFO over my house. Thank God my husband and two neighbors also saw it. Finally, my life – long feeling that there is so much more out there…. and that we are more than we know,...
Soular Powered

Soular Powered

Stephanie – Tim brought up the idea of wanting to make a design around the words “Soular Powered” and I loved it! I have been obsessed with holding light and brining light lately so all I knew for sure is that I wanted there to be lots of light in...