Art Life Mind

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Design

Art Life Mind

Intentional Art for an Awakening World

Stephanie – Working in my altered book I began this image when I was feeling very restricted and tied down. However, there is something about the simplicity of paint and water and present moment awareness that will transmute things for me. And over the course of a few days that is what happened as I worked with this. Although the little creature is wrapped up tight, she realizes that freedom is found within and makes peace with the situation. And then – as it so often does – my personal situation changed as well.

Tim – When designing the piece that would become our logo, I loved that we were really trying to work with a few existing designs in different ways.  The designs have been a collaboration between Stephanie’s process art and my mandalas, an exploration in how bringing together different styles and concepts to create new things.  I love that both Stephanie’s character, and my exploration with mandalas both have to do with looking within while creating on the outside.  And how that is the hope for Art Life Mind as well.